Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Constitution State Services Industry Insights

How you manage and reduce business risk is critical to your company's success. As a third-party administrator, Constitution State Services brings skilled professionals and innovative tools and resources to help you manage your total cost of risk and strengthen your business advantage.


Constitution State Services (CSS) at RIMS: RISKWORLD® 2025

Join CSS in Chicago at RISKWORLD® for discussions about the evolving risk landscape and how to help protect your organization from the latest threats facing employers today.

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

TPA Advantage: Boosting Injury Recovery Rates with Workplace Mental Health Initiatives

When supporting employees with workplace injuries, open discussions about mental health can enhance outcomes.

An employee working in an office, looking at her bandaged arm at her desk.

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Securing Your Bottom Line: TPAs Can Help Shield Businesses from the Impact of Organized Insurance Fraud

Learn about how insurance fraud perpetrators are becoming more organized and far-reaching.

A group of business professionals meeting in an office setting.

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Multigenerational Mental Health Differences in the Workplace

A Constitution State Services and Travelers discussion about generational differences that impact mental health and injured employee recovery.

Full replay of the webinar for A Decade of Disconnect: Understanding Multi-generational Mental Health in the Workplace

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Organized Insurance Fraud: Unraveling the White-Collar Criminal

A Constitution State Services and Travelers discussion about how insurance fraud perpetrators are becoming more organized and far-reaching.

Full replay of the webinar for Organized Insurance Fraud: Unraveling the White Collar Criminal

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Trends Bringing a New Era of Workforce Risk

Explore a comprehensive analysis from Dr. Anthony Klotz of the emerging trends in workforce risks and the need for effective employee engagement.

The Great Retaliation: Why Risk Managers Should Heed New Trends in Workforce Sentiment - Full Webinar Replay

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Building a Better Workplace

A Constitution State Services and Travelers discussion about how to create a safer, healthier and more engaging workplace and insights about the future of workforce well-being. Watch the video replay on

Full Replay of the RIMS Breakfast, Be Risk Ready: What's Trending in Total Worker Health

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Striking the Right Balance in Workers Compensation Claim Management

Injured employees and their employers still value personal connection at important points in their workers compensation claim experience.

Business people sitting and talking over paperwork

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Navigating the Liability Landscape in the Age of the Nuclear Verdict

Constitution State Services and Travelers professionals discuss recent case examples to illustrate how the legal environment is changing and share best practices.

Navigating the liability landscape in the age of the nuclear verdict

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Trends Driving Escalating Jury Verdicts

Tectonic shifts over the past five years are driving unprecedented volatility in liability claims. These shifts are not caused by any single factor but by several broad issues that combine to make for a less predictable litigation environment.

front steps and entrance of a courthouse

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Comparing TPAs - 6 Things to Look for in a Claims Service Provider

Working a trusted third-party administrator can help your business manage risks and control loss costs.

Business Meeting with 3 People

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

A Hands-On Guide to Working Effectively with Your TPA

Strong relationships are key to effectiveness and over time become the reason companies continue to work together.

Group of people working at a table

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

4 Ways Predictive Analytics Can Help Mitigate Large Losses

Predictive analytics can help identify claim trends, equipping Claim professionals with strategies to contain loss costs.

Graphs on iPad

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

How a TPA Helps Manage Liability Claims in a Challenging Legal Environment

With legal and medical expertise, a TPA can help manage complex insurance claims.

Managing liability claims

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

How Self-Insured Businesses Can Curb the Cost of Claims in a Volatile Economy

Learn how Constitution State Services leverages technology and data analytics to help mitigate the impact of claims.

Two male professionals having a meeting in a warehouse and looking at products

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

InsurTech Trends and Innovations in Third-Party Claim Administration

InsurTech trends are helping risk managers protect their business and helping third-party claims administrators to provide assessments after a claim.

Woman in security monitor room

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Protecting New Employees from Injuries on the Job

First-year employees can be at greater risk of injuries on the job, but there are steps that employers can take to help keep them safe at work.

First year employee injury

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Bring Together Art, Science & You in TPA Predictive Analytics

Having trained professionals who understand predictive models, how to interpret the data, and the best way to act on it is the art of claim management.

Science, Art and You

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

The Social and Psychological Impact of Injuries at Work

Looking beyond the physical issues of an injured employee can help reduce costs, save time and improve the path to recovery after a workers compensation claim.

Woman at standing desk

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Balancing Big Data and Claim Professionals to Optimize Outcomes

Constitution State Services professionals explore what it takes to operationalize the balance between big data and Claim professionals to achieve optimal results.

Bringing more to the claim experience

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

What Is Driving Higher Employee Resignations?

High resignation rates impact businesses and the employer/employee dynamic. Discover insights and strategies to get ahead of workforce risks.

A warehouse worker putting metals away on a multi-shelves unit

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Workers Compensation and the Changing Nature of Work for Remote and On-Site Employees

With the changing nature of remote work comes new safety and claim considerations. What do you need to be aware of, and how can you get ahead of new types of injuries?

text on blue background, CSS Workers compensation and the changing nature of work for remote and on-site employees

Insights on Managing Claims and Controlling Loss Costs

Driving Innovation: How Risk Managers Can Lead with Innovative Thinking

Watch this replay of the Constitution State Services webinar “Women Leading Innovation in Risk Management” from RIMS 2021. Our panelists offer insights about driving innovation in their organizations.

CSS women leading innovation for risk managers

About our company

Constitution State Services is a custom service provider and subsidiary of Travelers.

Our People

Our claim account managers (CAEs) are responsive and proactive. They work to provide clear communications and easy access as needed to critical claim information and specialists in medical, litigation, investigations and subrogation.

Group meeting

Claim Data and Analytics

There is an art and science to leveraging innovative data and analytics tools to maximize value throughout the claim lifecycle. At Constitution State Services, we embed data driven insights directly into the claim process to guide our decision making.

Data lines